Information disclosure vulnerability through Ransack searches
John Hawthorn
19 Aug 2015 - 3 mins read
We've released Solidus 1.0.1 to address a major security vulnerability.
Versions Affected
- Solidus 1.0.0, All versions of Spree
Fixed Versions
- Solidus 1.0.1
We've discovered another major security vulnerability in Solidus/Spree. All stores are advised to upgrade immediately. A huge thanks to Jeff Dutil for working with us once again in making a coordinated release of Spree along with Solidus.
Through specially crafted search params, an attacker is able to bypass authorization checks and determine the contents of database records. This may be used to expose customer details, admin API keys, and other sentitive information. This vulnerability exposes itself through the API (a key is not required), frontend, and backend.
This initialiser disallows Ransack to search across associations by default It is less complete than the patches which also add whitelisting of attributes.
# config/initializers/security_20150817.rb
# This is a less complete solution than the new releases of Solidus and Spree,
# which also change searchable attributes to a whitelist. It is designed to
# apply without issue to as many stores as possible (at least to Spree 2.1,
# 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.0, and Solidus).
# Custom Ransack searches in your store may have to be added to this list.
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
raise "Spree.user_class must be defined first" unless Spree.user_class
whitelisted_associations = {
# Revoke the ability to search across associations via ransack
ActiveRecord::Base => [],
# Put back the ability to search across associations that we know are used
Spree::LineItem => ['variant'],
Spree::Order => ['shipments', 'user', 'promotions', 'bill_address', 'ship_address', 'line_items', 'inventory_units'],
Spree::Product => ['stores', 'variants_including_master', 'master', 'variants'],
Spree::Promotion => ['codes'],
Spree::Variant => ['option_values', 'product', 'prices', 'default_price'],
Spree.user_class => ['bill_address', 'ship_address']
whitelisted_associations.each do |klazz, associations|
klazz.define_singleton_method(:ransackable_associations) { |auth_object=nil| associations }
NB. This provides a whitelist for all associations used by stock Solidus/Spree. If you have any custom ransack searches, you may need to add them to the whitelist.
Discovered by Andrew Thal of Bonobos