Announcing Solidus Conf 7
Thomas Sample
30 Nov 2021 - 5 mins read

It's official! Solidus Conf 7 will be on January 27th, 2022 with a bonus community day on January 28th. The conference will be entirely remote, held on, and we couldn't be more excited to hear from the experts and spend time with the community.
The past few years have been arduous for so many people, with new obstacles arising every day. It's been difficult to not be able to get together in person and have the conferences we've gotten used to over the past five years. We were very grateful to Sean Denny and Nebulab for planning Solidus Conf 2020 last year. When some people thought we wouldn't be able to have a conference at all during the pandemic, he kept the momentum going and led the organization of a great remote event. (And he even jump-started the organization effort for this year's conference too! Thanks again Sean!)
While it would have been great to be able to return to being in-person for this upcoming conference, we're confident that hosting it on will ensure a unique and positive experience that everyone can enjoy - regardless of location! You can visit to explore the app ahead of time, and learn more about what to expect.
At Solidus Conf, the speakers never disappoint, and this year is setting up to be no different. Jared Norman (Core Solidus Team Member), and Chris Todorov, both from Super Good Softwarewill be speaking, along with Marc Busqué (Core Solidus Team Member) from Nebulab, Peter Berkenbosch, Thomas Sample from Karma Creative, and Daniel Pritchett from Rebellion Defense. We can't wait to hear from all of these extraordinary Solidus developers, along with those who have yet to confirm. Stay Tuned as we release the rest of the speaker list over the next coming weeks. You can find an up-to-date list of speakers and their details on the Solidus Conf 7 website. If you, or someone you know has an idea for a great talk, please reach out and let us know - we would love to hear from you!
With everything that's been happening, we feel extremely fortunate to have the Solidus community to help provide support and comradery. The Solidus Stakeholders have been meeting at least every other week since 2018, and are passionate about keeping the platform moving forward. As an open source community, it's vital to keep the communication lines open, and the conference is the perfect place to make sure everyone is up to speed. We encourage each and every attendee to join the Solidus Slack Channel, and consider becoming a stakeholder themselves, because it really is all of us that make Solidus what it is, and can keep the platform progressing and thriving.
This year Thomas Sample and Karma Creative led the charge so far in organizing the conference, with expert design and development help from Michela Frecchiami and Nebulab. But with two months to go, we still are in need of additional hands and minds! Speaking of which, shout out to Chris Todorov from Super Good Software who is joining the organization team. Thanks Chris! -- If you are interested in helping with the organization, graphic design, web development, marketing, or day-of responsibilities at Solidus Conf 7, please reach out and let us know. In recognition, everyone involved will be listed as a contributor at the bottom of the conference website and receive some special organizer swag.
You can find additional information, and buy your tickets on the Solidus Conf 7 website - we can't wait to see you again, learn, and have some fun together!
And have you thought about Sponsoring? You'll get $1 tickets and a bunch of other awesome benefits. And best of all, if you're already an Open Collective monthly Sponsor, you're also already a Solidus Conf 7 Sponsor! -- Open Collective Sponsors this year will automatically receive a corresponding sponsorship matching the level of their monthly donation!!